Lecture record (limited access): Resorptions: Etiology, Diagnosis and Clinical Management, Prof. Dr. Nancy Bletsa / Dr. Ole Iden

Lecture record (limited access): Resorptions: Etiology, Diagnosis and Clinical Management, Prof. Dr. Nancy Bletsa / Dr. Ole Iden


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The course was organized at Clarion Hotel Helsinki on Friday 20 January 2023. Prof. Nancy Bletsa lecture and Dr. Ole Iden lecture is the trainers. 

The lectures will cover the etiology, diagnosis, classification, and clinical management of resorptions with special consideration on the use of CBCT also. A review of clinical cases will highlight the importance of specialist collaboration for optimal results. The “Hands-on” part will offer the opportunity to see how different materials and instruments are used for managing resorptions on model teeth. Operating microscope is used for the resorption management demo.

Target audience: Dentists interested in endodontics & endodontists

  • Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Nancy Bletsa (endodontist & pedodontist), Dr. Ole Iden (endodontist)

    Speakers come from Bergen Norway.

  • Lectures and hands-on demos length in total:  206 min / min 4 CE credits

  • After passing a true/false exam you’ll receive a certificate for earning CE points