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Webinar record (limited access): Current knowlegde of the design and function of fibre composite direct bridges, Prof. Pekka Vallittu

Webinar record (limited access): Current knowlegde of the design and function of fibre composite direct bridges, Prof. Pekka Vallittu
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This second webinar of the QAdental original webinar series Restoration of worn and decayed dentition with direct techniques was held on September 10th, 2020. There is an increased need for tooth replacement with direct fixed dental prostheses (bridges) for instance due to high number of elderly patients to whom one-visit dental bridges are optimal solutions. Era of direct bridges started by introduction of fiber reinforced composites and today there is over twenty years clinical experience of fiber reinforced composite bridges. Hundreds of laboratory and clinical studies have taught us to design the bridges for providing definitive prosthetic solution for an acceptable period of time with reasonable treatment costs. The webinar will cover key issues for successful treatment with direct bridges.
Lecturer: Professor Pekka Vallittu, Specialist in Prosthetic Dentistry, Ph.D
Lecture lenght: 1 hour 26 min / min. 1 CE credit
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