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Webinar record (limited access): Injection moulding technique, Dr. Ieva Jelisejeva

Webinar record (limited access): Injection moulding technique, Dr. Ieva Jelisejeva
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This fourth webinar of the QAdental Original webinar series Restoration of worn and decayed dentition with direct techniques was held on October 27th, 2020. The injection moulding technique is relatively simple restorative procedure which, with predictable outcome and reduced chair time, allows to treat wear cases, as well to recreate complex morphologies. Using the injection moulding technique, composite restorations are created by injecting the composite into a transparent silicone key that is directly positioned into the patient’s mouth. The advantage of this technique is that the occlusion and restorations can be first planned and modelled in a wax on a stone model, and then copied and transferred in detail to the natural teeth. Multiple restorations can be done in a single appointment, the high strength injectable resin composite allows to create strong and glossy restorations, the final occlusal adjustments are few and can be done easily.
Lecturer: Dr. Ieva Jelisejeva
Lecture lenght: 90 min / min. 2 CE credit
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