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Webinar record (limited access): A shift from indirect to direct restorations - development of resin composites, Prof. Pekka Vallittu

Webinar record (limited access): A shift from indirect to direct restorations - development of resin composites, Prof. Pekka Vallittu
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This webinar was held on June 8th, 2020. This is an introductiory lecture to the webinar series, Restoration of worn and decayed dentition with direct techniques, giving an insight to the shift of dental treatment modality from mechanically interlocked reconstructions to adhesive restorations. An overview of indirect restorative and prosthetic materials and their limitations will be given. Development of resin composites and adhesive techniques has changed indirect restorations more often to be made with direct technique. To what extent direct restorations can replace indirect restorations will be discussed.
Lecturer: Professor Pekka Vallittu, Specialist in Prosthetic Dentistry, Ph.D
Lecture lenght: 1 hour 7 min / min. 1 CE credit
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